Demand Writing for Personal Injury Cases

  • The Founder and Managing Director, Lakia Mack, has written thousands of demands. With her specialty in demand writing, many of the cases often result in settlements for the full policy limits.
  • Depending upon your style and preferences, our comprehensive demands include a full and complete comprehensive narrative of the incident, a detailed analysis of all medical treatment, lost wages, quality of life statement, detailed calculations of damages (including property damage, if necessary), and electronic bates numbering. PPS can also extract and embed images, radiology films, medical illustrations, etc directly into the demand.
  • Case Management and Full Tort Support

    1. After a traumatic incident, your client needs someone who can provide direct with loving care. Paramount Paralegal Service will help your client find the correct specialist(s), in a convenient location. We will also follow up with your client to ensure he/she is getting the proper care and are comfortable with their treating provider.
    2. Paramount Paralegal service will obtain all pertinent information for your client’s case, such as police reports, medical records, bills,  and more.
    3. Paramount Paralegal Service will send any necessary Ante Litem Notices because all government officials must be properly notified.
    4. Paramount Paralegal Service will help preserve any information needed by sending out respective Spoliation Notices when needed.

Contact us and find out how Paramount Paralegal Service can help you.